17/6/21: Ideal-Cities @ 1.2.16 ICT in Circular Economy: Part of the problem or part of the solution?

17/6/21: Ideal-Cities @ 1.2.16 ICT in Circular Economy: Part of the problem or part of the solution?


On the 17th of June 2021, Dr. Marios Angelopoulos from Bournemouth University represented Ideal Cities on the UKRI-funded eFutures Network virtual workshop. The event was part of the eFutures’ 2021-22 series on “Electronic Systems for Sustainable Societies” and focused on ICT for a Circular Economy to discuss the problems ICT can create but also, vitally, the potential it has for offering solutions for sustainability. In the event the role of emerging ICT in a Data-driven Circular Economy was discussed and, in particular, ICT as an enabler for broader socio-economic paradigms, such as Smart Cities. Also, lightly touched on two indicative use cases – circularity principles in crowdsourced systems and IoT-enabled management of shared spaces in buildings and the increasing research interest in Smart Circular Economy.

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